Prayer Times
Welcome to the
Banglades Islamic Center
Assalamu alaikum Warahmatullah
Baitul Mukarram Masjid welcomes all Muslims of any background to come and pray here. Please visit the Masjid website for updates on Salah times. You can also have the “Minbr” app downloaded on your Mobile to get salah updates and notification of Jamat times 15 minutes before each salah starts. After downloading the app and going into the app, select Baitul Mukarram Masjid as your Masjid
Hifz School:
Monday to Friday, 5 pm to 7:00 pm, we have our hifz school. You can register your children for learning Sahi recitation and memorization of the holy Qur’an. Please contact the Masjid office for more information.
Weekend School:
Weekend schools are another option to teach your children about Islam and learning Quran. Please contact the Masjid Office for more details.
Bi-Weekly Halaqah:
This is a free to attend program that happens every other Sunday evening. Exclusively for children (young boys). Our youngsters will have free meals and fun in addition to learning about the Deen. Contact Office for more details.
Fecility Use Request Form: Click here for the Form
BIC Parking Lot Construction Bid Documents: click on links below
1) Bid Invitation: Process, supporting docs and contacts
2) Bid Application Form
3) Approved Plan for the Project:
Upcoming Event
Our Recent News

Assalamu Alaikum wrwb
Due to hazardous weather conditions this evening, we